You can help keep the odds in your favor by insisting on good documentation throughout the credit and collection process. Good documentation begins with a credit application, which is required before your first sale on credit to any customer.
Beyond requiring credit applications, you should periodically review credit information for all your customers. Depending on your industry and your history with the customer, you might review credit information every six months or once a year, but even with established customers, you don’t want to go beyond a two-year review schedule. In between reviews, update your customer’s credit data whenever you come across new relevant information. Have your customers complete a new credit application or make appropriate additions and deletions to the old one.
You can avoid a lot of difficulties with defaults if you monitor your clients for changes in their business and financial health. For example, if you find out that a customer’s business has new ownership, or that the owners have formed a new but similar company, it may be time to thoroughly recheck that customer. Sometimes your clients really don’t want you to find out about changes, and that’s a reason in and of itself to recheck them.
Get Results with Collection Services in Michigan
Since 1961, our top-rated lawyers have been dedicated to ethically pursuing the money you’re owed. With offices in Birmingham and Grand Rapids, we handle claims against debtors located in Michigan, even if you are located out of state or out of the country. To protect your creditors’ rights, make use of our collection services in Michigan! Call (248) 645-2440 or submit a contact form for an effective resolution to your collection matters.
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