Friday, January 13, 2023

When to Hire Debt Collection Professionals

What kind of debt collection professional should you hire?

Two people shaking hands | Debt collection Michigan

What should you expect from them?

Before you hire a professional, you must determine what services you need. Professionals come in all shapes and sizes, and they offer a laundry list of services to assist your credit and collection operations. 

Here are some services debt collection professionals can provide:

Billing Services and Early-In Collection Services – These services help you at the beginning of the credit process, from the time you provide your goods or services, long before any delinquencies occur. Why hire a professional so early? You may prefer to use an outside service instead of hiring and managing your own credit personnel, or you may prefer to maintain a small, in-house staff while the outside company provides the backup you need as your workload ebbs and flows.

Skip Tracing – It’s becoming easier for people and even businesses to move around without leaving much evidence as to where they’ve gone. Phone numbers may remain the same, regardless of where the debtor is located. When your debtors disappear, professionals can often find them and their assets.

Learn other services collection professionals can provide!

Looking for Debt Collection in Michigan?

Since 1961, our top-rated lawyers have been dedicated to debt collection in Michigan! At Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C., our debt collectors specialize in pre-suit collection, litigation, and judgement enforcement.

Let our experts handle all the work for you! Fill out the information form on our “Contact Us” page, or give us a call at 248-645-2440, to ask questions and figure out your next steps. Don’t let the money owed to you go away – get started today! We look forward to hearing from you!

Monday, January 2, 2023

How Can Debt Collectors Help?

Are your customers becoming debtors?

People shaking hands | Debt collection Michigan

Is it time you got help with debt collection in Michigan?

Collection law firms are ready and willing to help you with billing, tracking down debtors that have gone missing, finding assets, and other credit and collection needs. Whether you have a problem with a small number of accounts or most or all of your accounts receivable, you can find professionals capable of serving your needs. 

Learn how debt collectors can help!

Looking for Debt Collection in Michigan?

Since 1961, our top-rated lawyers have been dedicated to debt collection in Michigan! At Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C., our debt collectors specialize in pre-suit collection, litigation, and judgement enforcement.

Let our experts handle all the work for you! Fill out the information form on our “Contact Us” page, or give us a call at 248-645-2440, to ask questions and figure out your next steps. Don’t let the money owed to you go away – get started today! We look forward to hearing from you!