Monday, March 13, 2023

When to Insist on a Personal Guaranty

Is your customer considering a personal guaranty of payment to extend their credit?

Business papers scattered on a table | Collection companies Michigan

When considering extending credit based on a guaranty:

  • Confirm that the guarantor is creditworthy. To ensure that the guarantor is financially sound, you can informally rely on business reputation, the impressions of the salesperson on the account, or information someone else within your company who is familiar with the general financial condition of the proposed guarantor. A more sophisticated approach is to get a credit report for the proposed guarantor.
  • If the guarantor is a corporation, require a resolution from the board of directors authorizing the individual to sign the guaranty.
  • If the guarantor is an individual and you can do so while following the constraints of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, have the guarantor’s spouse sign the guaranty so that you can collect action against joint assets.

Learn what to do once you get the guaranty on our website!

Collect with One of the Best Collection Companies in Michigan

Looking for other ways to collect?

Muller Law Firm will handle your case with the professional attention it deserves! 

Contact one of the best collection companies in Michigan today at (248)645-2440 for an immediate resolution to your collection matters.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

What is a Personal Guaranty?

Are your customers asking for an extension of credit?

Are they less than trustworthy?

In the credit industry, when an applicant asks for an extension of credit that isn’t justified based on their net worth, rejection is imminent. One way to extend credit to applicants who fall into this category is to request that the customer obtain a guaranty of payment from either a person or another company. You can incorporate a guaranty into your credit application, or it may be a separate document.

Guaranties come in two forms: guaranty of payment and guaranty of collection or performance. With a guaranty of payment, you can collect payment from the guarantor without first trying to collect from the primary debtor. 

With a guaranty of collection or performance, you must first attempt (and fail) to collect from the primary debtor before you can collect from the guarantor.

You always want a guaranty of payment to collect as quickly as possible.

Learn what to expect from a guaranty on our website!

Collect with One of the Best Collection Companies in Michigan

Looking for other ways to collect?

Muller Law Firm will handle your case with the professional attention it deserves! 

Contact one of the best collection companies in Michigan today at (248)645-2440 for an immediate resolution to your collection matters.